I starred on BBC’s “The One Show” as

The Fish with Antlers!

My proper name is ‘Benny the Blenny’ – a real British fish, a tompot blenny.  I narrate a children’s book and my blog that uses Paul Naylor’s amazing underwater photographs and videos to show you the dramatic and colourful world around our shores.  I’m very keen to introduce you to my neighbours: crabs, cuttlefish, sea anemones, starfish, seals and fish.  I will tell you which ones I eat and which ones try to eat me!  ‘Fact boxes’ in the book tell you all about me and my neighbours, and also cover biodiversity, adaptation and food webs.  It opens a window into my underwater world.

My book, “Benny the Blenny’s Shallow Sea Adventure”, is available at bookshops and online.

The teaching resources in Rock Pools are designed to be downloaded as a PDF for use on the whiteboard or for colour printing to make a stunning classroom display.  My blog is also a very good free classroom resource.

My photographer Paul Naylor is available to visit schools and give talks about me and the other wonderful creatures found beneath our seas.  Please contact him via his website.

For brilliant videos of UK marine life look at https://vimeo.com/paulnaylormarinephoto